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Katuenskoja koskevat yleisjutut kuutioiden mukaan joko mp- tai piikkialueelle.

Honda xr200

9.6.2024 16:17

Hei kaverit Etsin alun perin kx125:tä starttipyöräksi, mutta luulen, että ostan xr200:n hitaalle, pienitehoiselle starttipyörälle, onko tämä huono idea?

Re: Honda xr200

7.8.2024 10:14

Instead of a KX125, an XR200 for a sluggish, low-power starting wheel may be more controllable and less powerful. The XR200 is reliable and easy to handle, making it ideal for novices or casual riders.

But consider this:

Performance: The XR200 lacks the KX125's power and speed, thus it may not be suitable for more difficult trails or quicker riding.

Consider the terrain you'll ride on. The XR200 excels on trails but may struggle in tougher conditions than the KX125.
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Future Plans: If you want to ride more advanced, the KX125 may be a better long-term investment.

Ultimately, it depends on your riding style and bike needs. If the XR200 matches your demands and comforts you, it may be an excellent decision!