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Alueen säännöt

Tämä alue on tarkoitettu vain tekniikkaa käsitteleville aiheille, muut aiheet kuuluvat yleiskeskusteluun!

Tällä alueella keskustellaan tekniikasta yleisellä tasolla. Huomaathan että tekniikkakeskusteluille jotka koskevat vain kaksi- tai nelitahtisia malleja on omat alueensa!

Looking for reliable promo codes?

11.12.2024 2:33

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Re: Looking for reliable promo codes?

27.1.2025 10:15

Hi! I don't think Vietnam is the best idea. Try to find a bookmaker from India. There are a lot of gamblers there and the stakes are always high.

Re: Looking for reliable promo codes?

27.1.2025 11:37

there is no point in arguing where someone's hobby is concerned. Sports can be a very aggressive topic for discussion. That's why I don't want to go to stadiums at all. I prefer to watch here - My bookmaker gives me very comfortable conditions so that I can make bets. What do you use most often?