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Tämä alue on tarkoitettu vain tekniikkaa käsitteleville aiheille, muut aiheet kuuluvat yleiskeskusteluun!

Tällä alueella keskustellaan tekniikasta yleisellä tasolla. Huomaathan että tekniikkakeskusteluille jotka koskevat vain kaksi- tai nelitahtisia malleja on omat alueensa!

Which cryptocurrency should I invest in now?

28.3.2024 9:26

Which cryptocurrency should I invest in now?

Re: Which cryptocurrency should I invest in now?

28.3.2024 17:25

Hey there! Have you heard about Solana's recent surge in the crypto market? If you're looking to get in on the action, you'll definitely want to check out the current price of solana on the WhiteBIT crypto exchange. WhiteBIT has been making waves in the crypto world for its user-friendly interface, top-notch security features, and lightning-fast transaction speeds. When it comes to trading Solana, you want a platform that can keep up with its rapid movements, and WhiteBIT fits the bill perfectly.