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Alueen säännöt

Tämä alue on tarkoitettu vain tekniikkaa käsitteleville aiheille, muut aiheet kuuluvat yleiskeskusteluun!

Tällä alueella keskustellaan tekniikasta yleisellä tasolla. Huomaathan että tekniikkakeskusteluille jotka koskevat vain kaksi- tai nelitahtisia malleja on omat alueensa!

I'm thinking about buying property in Dubai

28.10.2023 15:38

Hi guys! I'm thinking about buying property in Dubai. Is there anyone here who has already made such a purchase? I would like to hear your opinion on the reliability and quality of real estate in this region.

Re: I'm thinking about buying property in Dubai

28.10.2023 15:41

I recently bought an apartment in Dubai and I am very happy with my purchase. I have been working in this region for several years now, and I can say that real estate here has a high level of quality. Of course, it is worth finding a reliable real estate agent to avoid potential problems. I can recommend the company Mayak Real Estate. They have a very large database of dubai for sale apartments! They have an excellent reputation in this region and offer quality properties at reasonable prices. My experience with them has been very positive.